Miltons Hub

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Healthy Body + Healthy Mind = Healthy Profits

For the last 2 weeks I have had an experience of change. Following my near death experience I always had a passion for health and how we obtain it. For years I have been on a search to find the best methods that produced results for super-health. I would ask the question, what is the cure for cancer, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, osteoporosis and every other ailment that has been named, given a tag, a profile.

What I discovered was life-changing to say the least and I used myself as a guinea pig. I experimented on myself. What I did discover was that health was not only a state of physiological well being but also a mental shift in what we believe. To say the most important aspect of life is good health is an understatement. It is everything. What good is it to have all the money in the world yet not be able to heal yourself. What I discovered, mainly through online videos, youtube, books, audio and basic knowledge was that EVERYTHING that big pharma taught was in fact nothing but a BIG FAT LIE. Do you know what pharmaceutical means? Pharma is the Greek for poison, keul or ceuticle is maker. Pharmaceutical means Poison makers.

Everything I had ingested mentally over the last 20 odd years suddenly became MORE IMPORTANT than anything else. I was on a mission which I believe is my true mission in life. To help people overcome health issues that doctors just can’t seem to understand the simplicity of truth. When the light comes on theres no stopping the influx of “true knowledge.” Without sounding too obnoxious health is NOT a MYSTERY!  Most diseases can easily be fixed by adhering to the LAWS of NATURE. Yet so many find that doing the really simple laws are so hard, mainly because of the “mental beliefs” we hold.

To cut a long story short, I now know my REASON why I NEED to be an online success. That reason? Too support my true passion. Helping people overcome disease, but only if they allow “themselves” to free their minds, their false beliefs of the lies perpetuated by the drug lords designed purely for profit. Keep your eyes open for this to happen as happen it will. But to get their I first need to concentrate my efforts on producing results in my online business, to drive my True Passion, which ultimately is helping people overcome sickness.

So it was back to square one for me, start getting healthy. I knew a lot of information regarding the laws of self help and I knew that if I can get my body in tune, my mind in tune, then I would be better to work, my mind could function better. If your body is well, everything else will follow. So thats what I’m doing right now, getting myself geared up to “function” better, more creativity.  For now I would just like to emphasise on the business side so you can see the psychological side involved in creating wealth is more than just trying to put up a website and driving traffic to it.

The lesson is this… find your TRUE PASSION, the thing that is so powerful, you will do anything to achieve it. Once you have that something, then you will continue to drive forwards. If your like 95% of most online marketers then you probably don’t have a Deep enough reason, a purpose, a goal that makes you work towards what it is your after.  Find your reason and the drive will be there automatically. If you don’t have a good enough reason then you will probably never  find true success on a monetary level.


Today I nearly died

No thats not just a fake headline to get your attention. This is a true account of what happened today.

Today on my way home from my day job I was driving over a bridge when a milk tanker coming towards me was way over the centre line. I had to pull right over and the work van I was driving scraped the side of the bridge.  Once over the bridge I stopped and watched as the tanker just kept going, didnt even bother to stop. If I had been two inches to the right I would have hit the truck and possibly dead or seriously injured.

I had to take control of the vehicle cause if I had panicked at the time it would have been a different story and I may not even be here to write this. Its a reminder that anything can happen to anyone at anytime.

 I have never  had such a close call like that, the last time anything close like that happened was when I was 17 and the brakes failed on my Vauxhall Cresta, miraculously they worked just as we were headed towards a busy intersection. That was a sign to get rid of that vehicle.

When I finally arrived home and told my wife she was so angry with the trucking firm she rung the company that owned the trucks. They are a large company here in New Zealand which I won’t publicly disclose. The wife was like, “ring the police”. I just said, “Im just glad to be here.”

Then I noticed a large parcel on my side of the couch. I instantly opened it and realised it was a package from an internet company I had joined recently. It was a gift for passing their certification course on Internet Marketing. It included a backpack, a journal to write notes in, a pen, a sticker and a cup, all with the companies logo. They also send you a t-shirt but that will come separately, probably in a few more weeks.

Too me this was a sign that I not only was meant to come home that day, but that the events that lead up to receiving these gifts was a sign showing me which way my life needed to go. If I continued on the road of working for someone else it would probably eventually kill me. Maybe not physically but metaphorically. My life as an entrepreneur would be stifled by my day job. This showed me that I really needed to concentrate my efforts into my online business. To live the way I choose,  not living for someone else.

It was at this point I realised that heres another point in my life where “a sign” had shown itself. I was meant to experience the truck incident to show me, “I need to change what I’m doing so I can start doing what I want.”

There have been a few times when I have been shown these “signs” that come to mind. In 2007 we owned a house in a little town named Omanaia. We were renting it out when the house burnt down. We ended up agreeing to purchase another property which after a few weeks we felt like we didn’t really want it. We tried to pull out of the deal but were threatened with lawsuits. Because our property had burnt down it actually took 8 months for the insurance company to payout. Thus the deal fell thru and we couldn’t have been happier.

We ended up buying  a place in New Plymouth, Taranaki, about 600 kms away. My wife’s family originated from Taranaki. We never even viewed the place ourselves. We just viewed it online. The street name was Banks St. I grew up on Bank Street in Mt Eden, Auckland. My mother still lives there. To me that was a sign.

Then my brother in Auckland said he was talking to someone, a total stranger, in Auckland and this stranger was talking to my brother about his mother. She lived in Banks Street in New Plymouth, hundreds of kms away. All this within a few weeks of signing the deal to purchase the new property. Another sign?

Then we decided we wanted a larger home, and we found a place that was practically made for us. 5 bedrooms, 2 storied, 2 bathrooms on half an acre. The price was right and as a painter/builder I was willing too undertake the work needed to make this a home to be proud of. This house sat on the market for at least 2 years. The place was in a town called Manaia. Our property up in Northland was in a place called Omanaia. Another sign?

I believe life is full of signs and if we look hard enough and follow them we can either take the high road or the low road. Following the signs I believe will lead to success and happiness. Veering of the road paved with signs could lead too disaster. So I guess the lesson for today is something like, “life is full of signs, recognise and embrace them and it will lead you to happiness and success. Don’t follow them and you will set yourself up for misery and an unfulfilled life.” So which signs are you following?

Thanks for reading and leave me a comment and give your thoughts.

Na zdraví a dobrou noc

(Czech: Cheers and goodnight)


Why I’m Doing This

Today I started back at my day job, painting houses. Well actually painting a school today. It was a step back into reality. I realise exactly why I’m doing this. The reason I want to be online earning a living. Its so I DON’T have to get up out of bed at 5.30am every morning 5 days a week even though I didn’t get the 8 hours sleep I should be getting. Its so I DON’T have to drive to work 5 days a week at 6.30am and report to the BOSS like a schoolboy. Its so I DON’T have to take orders and work in the hot blaring sun, or in the cold, or the wet. It’s so I DON’T have to leave my home unless I decide I want to. It’s so I DON’T have to stay on a job until 5pm and then drive back to the yard and wait until someone sez, “go home now”.

Then I get home and I’m so buggered I can’t be bothered doing bugger all. But I’ve got to do stuff, especially if I want to earn my living online. I got to make sure everythings running smoothly. Are there any Skype messages from other TE (traffic exchange) owners or entrepreneurs wanting to communicate, run some type of JV (Joint Venture) or checking support mail from people wanting to know why something isn’t working properly or they just don’t understand some aspect of the TE. Luckily I don’t get too many support questions. Maybe once a week which is a relief. But what happens when the membership gets bigger.

I still gotta get emails out, add banners, run promotions, create files. Arrrggghhhh! Burn out. I need some sleep. I need to rejuvenate, replenish. I can’t think too well. Yes, thats why I’m doing this. So I can concentrate SOLELY on MY BUSINESS. Not someone else’s. Thats why I want to be a successful entrepreneur. To get back MY TIME. I made the decision that this year is the last year I work. By the end of the year, preferably sooner I’m going to hang up my brushes for good. Don’t get me wrong, I do like painting. But it’s NOT what I want out of life.

After 37 years of painting and wallpapering, its time for a change. I use to run my own painting business. I did that for 20 plus years and we did pretty good. We owned a 10 acre block for almost 20 years. When that house burnt down we moved, like 636 kms from Omanaia, Northland to New Plymouth, Taranaki. 7 years later we moved from New Plymouth to a little town about 70 kms away too Manaia (pop 927 in 2006) into a good sized 2 storied villa (5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms) considerably rundown at the time on half an acre. Hey. I’m a painter/builder so to me it wasn’t a big problem. 4 years later we own the 2 houses and were doing okay. But I really want more time to do what I want. To move forward. And I can’t do that working for someone else so here we are. One day back at work and I can honestly say I’m sick of it. Time to go forwards not backwards.

Theres a saying. “if you keep doing the same thing over and over your going to get the same result.” Time to do something different. Thats why I’m doing what I’m doing and if I want to ditch my day job I just have to keep going, keep learning, keep applying myself to my online venture. Set the goal, create the plan, take action. But for now, its time to recuperate. On that note I will say goodnight and tomorrow I should be more refreshed and rearing to go. Altho I feel like I should continue, just by all the grammar mistakes I’m making while writing this I know its reaching burnout. Tomorrows another day. A great mentor I’m following at the moment said to me a couple of days ago, “Get some sleep !! Can’t build a business when exhausted” … thats exactly what I’m doing now.

Na zdraví a dobrou noc

(Czech: Cheers and goodnight)


A New AD-Venture Begins

Today is the 3rd day on my new AD-VENTURE. Its been a very tiring experience but basically I have joined a new company that is pretty much handing you the ultimate blueprint to making money online. All you have to do is FOLLOW IT, Implement and take ACTION. Pretty much what you should be doing anyway but for some reason most don’t. I wonder if thats why 95% of all online businesses fail to make money or enough money to actually quit their day jobs and live the life-style they wanted, the reason they started in the first place. Did you know the Number One Reason people start an online business is to quit their jobs because they Hate their jobs? Or they hate their boss, or they hate the commute to work.

So let me tell you what I did saturday 20th January. The first stage was a one on one conversation with one of the companies top dogs to see if I would be a good fit for working with them. You have to be CAPABLE of setting goals and tasks and then DOING THEM. They don’t want to work with time wasters.

In all honesty,  the main reason why 95% of all online businesses FAIL is because they don’t have a solid plan, they fail to take action and then they give up. Thats not going to lead anyone to success. So first steps first, make that call. We talked for close to an hour 5.30am Saturday morning. At the end of the call I was pumped. I was raring to get into it as the first task was to sit an eight part exam. Once you pass this first stage they then OPEN up the next stage of the process. You can’t access further into this business training until you are a certified member. 8 Modules and I passed with flying colours. That meant 100% score.

Here is my certification for this.

I completed the course 11.30pm Saturday night, 17 hours after receiving the program. 8 modules to completion and I didn’t spend every minute on it. Saturday morning we were in town doing our daily tasks, shopping, grabbing stuff from the local hardware, even bought and planted a mandarin tree. You gotta keep doing stuff. But I was so focused and determined to finish this task that I just went for it like a madman.  To say the least I was pretty buggered. I had just completed 8 days of certification in about 12 hours. I guess  two or three years ago it would have taken me at least 8 days  to complete this and maybe even longer with the “can’t be bothered” attitude.

The big difference of course was I already knew a lot of the answers having spent so much time involved in internet marketing, online business building, list building, email marketing etc. But it really came down to taking Massive Action and just getting stuck in. Its the only way you get anything done. Think of the outcome,  then reward yourself. My reward was being able to go to sleep. Lol. So whats next?

The next step in the process is TRAFFIC. So I’m hoping to learn some new tactics to driving traffic. If theirs one thing Ive learned is you can never learn enough. Theirs always some new way of directing traffic and I just wanted to soak it all up like a sponge. With this particular company they only tell you what you need to know at that point in time.

They give you enough so you do things in stages. The first step is getting you certified so you can prove you understand everything you need to know at that particular time. Then they put you onto the next stage. Step by step. This way you don’t get bombarded with so much information overload that it becomes overwhelming and you start thinking, “what have I gotten myself into?”

So Step one. Get Certified.

Step Two. Earn your first $1,000.00

Step Three. Earn your first $10,000.00

Step Four. Earn your first $100,000.00

Of course at the same time I still have to keep my other site running like clockwork, Chihuahuahits. That takes time. Time is precious and its something you can’t get back. My biggest tip if you are trying to setup ANY BUSINESS, don’t waste time. Create a daily plan and allocate time to the tasks you need to do to see your business take of. Can you build a business on half an hour a day? you might be able to but a successful business will require hours a day. At a bare minimum you want to be spending NO LESS than one hour a day, everyday. The more the better. The more you can put in, the faster you will get results.

So for now I will  end the day on this blog and start on my Ad-Venture. I call it Ad-Venture cause it really is a venture into advertising. Marketing. Traffic. That should be your goal, getting targeted traffic to your ads and getting them “the right way.” In the words of Arnie “I’ll be back.”



Welcome to my blog

I am now entering the blog age! I really want to keep up to date with technology so its time to enter the world of blogging. How do you write a blog? Why are some of the most successful online entrepreneurs using blogs to expand their audience? Because it works. Apparently. So lets begin.

Today is Friday the 19th January 2018

I don’t really know much about blogging. I don’t even know what to name it so Milton’s Hub came to mind. Milton’s Blog was another idea. I hear its basically an online diary and people seem to like reading these. Basically you write about what your doing and how your doing it.  I’m going to be writing about my online business, how its working out and what I’m doing to make things happen. Its all about traffic and apparently this is one of the best ways to get it. The more you post, the more the search engines pick it up, the more traffic you get.

So this is an experiment to see how well blogging actually works plus its a digital record, a historical document lol. Today we are in a heatwave here in Taranaki New Zealand. Its 10:30 at night and it is sooo hot, Im basically sitting here in nothing but my shorts and sweating like a pig. Well actually pigs don’t sweat. Anyway enough about that, lets get down to business.

After months of work which is why I haven’t been very active on this site, I’ve actually been working on my other site. Its a Traffic Exchange. You can check it out here Chihuahua Hits 

As an online worker we are always looking for ways to drive traffic to our sites and guess what? A traffic exchange is perfect for the job. So I’ve been told. I use to own one a few years ago but it got shut down. Long story short I was using a trademarked name and the owners didn’t appreciate it. That TE was called Vampirella Hits. I learnt a hard lesson that day and it put me of owning another TE. Pity cause it was actually starting to take of.

But like a Phoenix rising from the ashes I decided “Im not giving up on the idea of running a Traffic Exchange.” Our little Chihuahua Ashley became an inspiration for the next wave of a business idea and Chihuahua Hits was born.

Anyway, today I believe I found something that is going to change everything in my business, both traffic wise and earning wise. We shall see and I will try and post about the same time as often as possible. In the last few weeks I have spent hours online adding to our new site Chihuahua Hits games, promo codes, gaining members, its all in a days work.

Tomorrow I start a new venture and that is why I wanted to start this blog. I want to record the process. I wish I had done this a while ago as Im kinda liking the process so far. (Writing a blog that is) Its almost relaxing to not to have to do xml files, find promo partners, writing html which I am really just learning. For now I will end this post and continue the continuing story tomorrow on our journey to online success. I still got a few hours left to do some more work, and i got a call coming thru at 5.30am in the morning from a mentor in England. I’ll fill you in on that later.

See ya tomorrow.

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